"The greatest investment we can make on earth is in the lives of people." Pastor Leo Barbee
Is coffee farming modern day slavery?
Did you know hidden within your cup of coffee lies a story of oppression?
The coffee industry feeds modern day slavery by perpetuating poverty in coffee producing countries.
We aim to change that paradigm in the specialty coffee market.
Combating poverty
We promote five basic initiatives of which all assist in the mission of combating poverty through advancement in agriculture, education, health, business and development. We build up under developed areas and support people in efforts to celebrate their intrinsic value.
We did not introduce coffee, it was already here. We simply improved the production process, put higher quality controls in place, and trained others to do the same. We then share the profits with family farms willing to participate.
The standard market
Specialty coffee market's financial structure consists of five different areas of earning:
- Farmer - $0.85-$1+/lb
- Processor - $1.50/lb
- Importer/Exporter - $3/lb
- Roaster - $8/lb
- Retailer - $25-$50/lb
The farmer earns the least amount of money per pound of coffee after a years worth of work.
We pay farmers far better than fair trade!
We pay 8 times more than market share and donate 10% gross profit
We aim to engage in direct ownership of the entire market chain so we can redistribute wealth more favorably toward farmers.
Our current business model pays farmers over $8/lb through our profit sharing program, resulting in returns of 8 times above fair market value to farmers.
In addition to paying our farmers we donate 10% of our gross profit to the local pastors.
Who we support
Our farmers are pastors and their families. Our coffee mission directly supports families, churches, and communities by providing a much needed infusion and stabilization to local coffee economy, which has been the largest economic generator the past 4 generations in our area. They give tirelessly of themselves to all who come, they do not retire.
Who benefits? Everyone, including you.
Our Team
We pay and train our own energetic coffee team members to pick coffee for all who participate in our program.
We are also grateful to own coffee farms and employ full and part-time team members who maintain our fields. Our paid staff members receive benefits of free room, board, food, medical, and transportation to and from the farms.
We commit to financially supporting our farmer families and community to assist them in living prosperous lives.
Novel Coffee, Novel People, Novel Purpose
Partner with us to enrich the quality of life of those impoverished in the coffee industry
Learn more about us!
We grow 100% Arabica bean, grown in the mountains under a cool shade for specialty coffee grade, and use natural organic farming methods.